
An aspiring Data Scientist, currently working as a Bioinformatician at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing. My undergraduate degree in Economics and master’s degree in Data Science have allowed me to work on a wide range of projects from Macroeconomics to Stock and Merger valuations. These projects allowed me to get a more hands on experience of working with real world data.

Having acquired the most up to date tools for data analysis and statistical modelling, I went on to get a job as a Bioinformatician where I worked on the development of python based web apps for data analysis and visualisation along with the development of computational pipelines for different NGS data formats such as Bulk/Single Cell RNA seq data, ChIP/ATAC seq data and Whole Genome/Exome seq data. I also worked on Pathway Enrichment analysis, Promoter analysis and SGA (Synthetic Genetic Array) analysis.